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Online Account Opening

Bank of the West Examples

Online Account Opening

The Challenge

Overhaul our online account opening flow, focusing on a streamlined mobile experience.


Provide guidance and inspiration to our vendor as they planned an upgrade to their responsive platform.

User Journey Map captured issues with the current experience

User Journey map detail, showing 3 pages, the questions asked, user reactions and key issues

My Role

Referring to a User Journey Map I had created earlier, I worked with the product owner and a member of the usability team to determine our priorities.

I then used Axure to create an interactive mobile prototype that would capture the end-to-end experience and illustrate specific interactions we wanted the vendor to adopt.

Field formatting was key to a streamlined mobile experience. To reduce errors and re-entry, it was vital that placeholder text guide the user's input.  Auto-formatting saves the user from switching keyboards by automatically inserting slashes or dashes between number groups. 

Video of prototype showing field formatting interaction

Segmented controls were used instead of radio buttons and drop-down lists wherever possible.

These elements provide clear labels and large hit areas, allowing users to quickly identify choices and make a selection.

Segmented controls allow the user to quickly select a funding amount

Video of prototype showing segmented controls aiding user decisions

The Result

My designs not only influenced the vendor's upgraded platform, but the subsequent discussions strengthened our relationship and paved the way for more collaboration as we continued to add features.


Our core goals of improved organization, crisper content and mobile best practices made the new experience an overall success. The segmented controls were pushed out to a future release, but field formatting was implemented.

Video of live site

Video of live site, showing field formatting as implemented
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